Organisation review
Independently verified decision insight
An independent organisation review is an analysis of the organisation’s strategy, core proposition, governance, operating processes, culture and capability to determine which elements are working well, which are less than optimal or which will benefit from realignment to the achieve the organisation’s strategic intent. Depending on your organisations requirements, a targeted organisation review will provide a robust decision base to re-align the strategic intent, re-design the organisation structure and opening model, improve efficiency, or enhance customer and employee experience.
The challenge for maintaining and building growth capacity is to ensure a fit-for-purpose organisation structure, with clearly defined accountabilities for core business processes and customer experience touch-points that are fully understood, owned and operationalised. To this end, an organisation review can also provide an independent assessment of core organisational activities, information flows, work processes, reporting structures and accountabilities, authorities and decision rights, and effective controls for optimal execution of the operating plan.
Strategic drivers of an organisation review may include:
Pre or post merger planning for organisations or operating divisions
Operational governance and risk management
Identification of operational efficiencies to optimise speed to market and organisational responsiveness
Enhancing customer experience to drive profitable growth
Brand engagement and culture change.
We work with leaders to:
Define the review parameters critical to improved organisational performance, including communication and engagement with the strategic intent, people and capability, work processes, reporting structures and accountabilities, culture and leadership practices
Assessing end-end customer experience with key stakeholder as a precursor to developing a customer experience blueprint
Conduct organisational research with relevant stakeholder groups, using qualitative and quantitative methods
Report and validate findings to sponsor and reference group as an invitation to engage with themes and recommendations
Facilitate executive decision making and planning conversations to act on insight and strategic implications.